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【十大癌症:皮膚癌】紫外線為元兇 調查揭近半人無防曬 專科醫...
燒傷分三至四級 香港整形及整容外科醫學會秘書李天澤醫生解釋,...
All About Acne By Diana Rodriguez | Medically reviewed by P...
孕婦自製啟發性工藝 減壓胎教二合一 為生金豬寶寶,今年有不少女...
上機前先治理鼻患 坐長途機除了有機會出現血栓塞問題外,氣壓突...
子宮頸細胞變異 病變追兇 作為女性,時刻為了照顧家庭竭盡心力,...
You May Need to Replace Your Sunglasses More Often Than You...
Could a Root Canal Help You? 11/06/2012 | Posted in Root...
滿面暗瘡 脫髮 經期紊亂 荷爾蒙失調作怪? 面部長滿暗瘡、經常脫...
Is Sitting Really Going to Kill Us? Jenna Birch Contributin...
新放射技術 精準殺癌 兩中心一條龍簡化診治 癌症為本港頭號殺手...
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醫知健:微創治鼻鼾短痛快見效 年過三十、臉頰窄小和「肥胖一族...
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Omega-3 fats in kids' diets might make them better beha...
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