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Home: University > Central > 孫曙霞中醫師
孫曙霞中醫師 DR. SUN SHU XIA
Registration number 004971 Update Date : 2019-06-21
孫曙霞中醫師 DR. SUN SHU XIA
Comments : 0
Gender : Female
Building Name : 9 Queen's Road Central
Address : Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research (Central), Room 703, The Galleria, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong  
Tel : 3169 3170 (By Appointment)
Fax : 2872 5476
Type of Practice : University
Speciality : CMPs(General Practice), CMPs(Acupuncture)
Basic Fee : $500 Consultation Fee Only
(Basic fee just for ref,please call to clinic for details.)
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Introdution :
Dr Shu Xia SUN (孫曙霞) is the Lecturer School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (香港大學中醫藥學院講師). 主要榮譽: 1997 年度鄭州市「三育人」先進個人; 1998 年河南省優秀教師 及 歷年學生評定教學效果均爲優秀.
Professional &
Qualifications :
1983 年大學畢業於河南中醫學院中醫系(五年制)
1983 年 7 月起留校任教,擔任主要課程有針灸學、針灸治療學 及 刺法灸法學
1983 年 7 月起在針灸門診兼職從事臨床醫療及帶教工作
1989 年至 1990 年在上海中醫藥大學學習針灸推拿專業研究生班課程
1992 年至 1993 年在鄭州工學院外語培訓部學習日語
2004 年 9 月成為香港 註冊中醫師 (註冊中醫編號: 004971)
Email Enquiry :
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Time :
Friday 09:30 ~ 12:30   14:30 ~ 18:30  

for reference only, please make appointment before visit
Medical Services Included :
針灸治療中風癱瘓、面癱、婦女不孕症 月經病、各種關節疼痛頭痛及
Language :
Cantonese , Mandarin
Others :
Clinic Name: School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Payment Method :
Credit Card , Cash
Website :

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