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Home: Private > Central > 何嘉嘉脊醫
何嘉嘉脊醫 DR. TRACY HO
Registration number Update Date : 2021-12-28
何嘉嘉脊醫 DR. TRACY HO
Comments : 0
Gender : Female
Building Name : 1 Duddell Street
Address : The London Clinic, Suite 902, 1 Duddell Street Central, Hong Kong  
Tel : 2537 6898
Fax : 2537 6000
Type of Practice : Private
Speciality : Chiropractic
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Introdution :
Dr. Tracy Ho is a registered Chiropractor in Canada and Hong Kong. She is currently practicing in Hong Kong and is a graduate from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC). She currently holds a Bachelor of Science Honors in Kinesiology from York University as well as her Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Upon graduating at CMCC in 2011, Dr. Tracy Ho completed a full year of internship in which she trained at the Sherbourne Health Center, Muki Baum Children’s Centre, and The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Main Campus Clinics. She continued to work in Toronto after graduating to further develop her skills in North America and after 3 years relocated to bring her expertise to Hong Kong. From her working experiences she is familiar with the treatment of motor vehicle accidents, sport related injuries, orthotic casting, pediatric care and other musculoskeletal disorders. To further expand her clinical skills, Dr. Tracy Ho has completed training in Clinical Biomedical Acupuncture, Active Release Techniques®(ART), Graston Techniques ® and Webster Technique for the treatment of pregnant woman. She is also certified in Kinesio-Taping. She continues to expand her knowledge to provide the best care possible for her clients.
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Time :
Monday 10:00 ~ 14:00   15:30 ~ 20:00  
Tuesday 10:00 ~ 14:00   15:30 ~ 20:00  
Wednesday 10:00 ~ 14:00   15:30 ~ 20:00  
Thursday 10:00 ~ 14:00   15:30 ~ 20:00  
Friday 10:00 ~ 14:00   15:30 ~ 20:00  
Saturday 10:00 ~ 14:00    

for reference only, please make appointment before visit
Language :
Cantonese , English
Others :
Clinic Name: The London Medical Clinic
Payment Method :
Credit Card , Cash
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