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再增12宗接種新冠疫苗後送院 27歲男打復必泰後癲癇發作 政府公布...
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接種疫苗需時 但安全 3月初接種了科興疫苗,過程不算太順利。 到...
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Latest information on COVID-19 vaccination For the convenien...
主題:Disney FROZEN *夢幻特展* 展期:2020.11.17〜2020.2.28...
If any medical clinics or doctors need the facemask, please...
E-daifu app has formally been launched and we would like to ...
~連場大雨後,昨天我們在尖沙咀再次宣傳 e大夫 的網站!
~E-daifu 現已加插一項新功能,方便巿民在最短時間內搜尋所需資料...
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