區德成醫生(DR. AU TAK SHING)為皮膚及性病科醫生,持專業資格:香港醫學專科學院院士 (內科);香港大學內外全科醫學士;英國倫敦大學皮膚病科文憑;英國皇家內科醫學院院士;英國倫敦皇家醫學院兒科文憑;英國愛丁堡皇家內科醫學院榮授院士;香港中文大學家庭醫學文憑;香港內科醫學院院士;英國倫敦藥劑師會生殖泌尿醫學文憑。
I was diagnosed of psoriasis, which irriated me badly, itchy and pain to a point I couldn't sleep. Had visited my family doctor first, it got better but the improvement was slow, then I visited Doctor. Au, I think it is because he is a specialist, the effect was extremely obvious like I felt much better after took the first round of medicine. It taught me that it is better to visit a specialist in some case.