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Home: Private > Jordan > 盧文偉醫生
盧文偉醫生 DR. LO MAN WAI
Registration number M11215 Update Date : 2020-05-20
盧文偉醫生 DR. LO MAN WAI
Comments : 9
Gender : Male
Building Name : Sino Cheer Plaza
Address : Institute of Medical Specialists, 19/F Sino Cheer Plaza, 23-29 Jordan Road, Kowloon  
Tel : 6611 9878
Fax : 3622 1300
Type of Practice : Private
Speciality : Neurology
Basic Fee : $800 - $1500 - $2000 Consultation Fee, Excluded Medication
(Basic fee just for ref,please call to clinic for details.)
Comments 9 | Update Doctor Info | Add Comment
3.8 3.2
6 0 3
Professional &
Qualifications :
MBChB (CUHK) 1995
MRCP (UK) 1999
MPH (CUHK) 2003
FHKCP 2003
FHKAM (Medicine) 2003
PDipComPsychMed (HK) 2009
FRCP RCPS (Glasg) 2013
FRCP (Edin) 2014
Email Enquiry :
Whatsapp Enquiry :
Wechat Enquiry :
Time :
Monday 10:00 ~ 13:00   15:00 ~ 18:00  
Tuesday 10:00 ~ 13:00   15:00 ~ 18:00  
Wednesday 10:00 ~ 13:00   15:00 ~ 18:00  
Thursday 10:00 ~ 13:00   15:00 ~ 18:00  
Friday 10:00 ~ 13:00   15:00 ~ 18:00  
Saturday 10:00 ~ 13:00    

for reference only, please make appointment before visit
Medical Services Included :
Nerve conduction test
Electromechanical diagram
Carotid ultrasound
Emergency Services :
Emergency phone :
6611 9878
Language :
Cantonese , English
Hospital Affiliations :
St. Teresa's Hospital, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
Public-Private Partnership :
Waiting Time :
10-20 min
Payment Method :
Credit Card , Cash
Website :

Comments 9 | Show 6 ~ 9 | Add Comment
1 2 
Mrs. Chan:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
29/01/2022 03:22
Dr LO Man Wai is the second neurologist that I was referred to as my diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome was not dealt with appropriately by the first neurologist who actually asked me to live with my pain and numbness...causing quite a huge disappointment to the medical specialists. With not much confidence, I went to see Dr LO, and he provided his consultation advice with prescribed medicine, after completing the first cycle of the medical treatment, my pain and illness reduced substantially which helped me to start resuming normalcy with my day to day activities. Yesterday, I went to see Dr Lo the second time, and I remain hopeful that under his medical care, I will recover soon. Thank you Dr Lo and will highly recommend him to people who are suffering from neurological illnesses! Wishing Dr Lo a happy, healthy and prosper new year!!!
Date﹕ 2022-1-28
Waiting Time﹕ 5-10 min
Total Fee﹕ $600
Score﹕ Recommendable
Service 5 Effect 5 Clinic Facilities 3
Total Score﹕ 4.3
Mrs Lau:
Good doctor
03/12/2021 02:06
Date﹕ 2021-5-22
Waiting Time﹕
Total Fee﹕ $0
Score﹕ Recommendable
Service 5 Effect 5 Clinic Facilities 4
Total Score﹕ 4.7
14/10/2021 11:30
Date﹕ 2021-9-23
Waiting Time﹕ 10-20 min
Total Fee﹕ $0
Score﹕ Recommendable
Service 5 Effect 5 Clinic Facilities 4
Total Score﹕ 4.7
07/04/2021 09:16
盧醫生係公司PANEL DOCTOR, 一月頭頭痛得好犀利搵佢睇, 佢果時話估我係偏頭痛, 叫我去照CT睇下係咪有乜問題, 我就走去照左, 之後照完去覆診, 果時已經唔痛, 佢話張片正常開啲藥俾我看門口, 果時心裡面覺得唔需要, 但照"哦"左一聲, 是但啦應該都係PANADOL啫
咁因為我公司張咭包藥費, 所以照碌多一次醫療咭, 果時個姑娘完全冇提啲藥就咁放響屋企個櫃放左兩個月
事隔兩個月, 收到公司人事部電郵話我有SHORTFALL要俾番保險公司, 咁我CHK番係呢一單黎, 診金$465, 藥費居然要$920; 睇番屋企係3包藥, 上面括號寫左30日藥; 打去問佢地話CALL BACK 我又冇CALL BACK; 跟住過完復活節假再追問啦, 佢地話事隔兩個月冇得退, 話咩唔知我屋企會唔會搵太陽曬啲藥搞到啲藥失左效之類...(如果係咁就唔好俾啲藥我"看門口"啦, 既然啲藥唔擺得GE, 都同佢講左我放響陰涼地方係一個櫃)
無啦啦要俾成千蚊買左啲我根本唔需要GE藥番黎, 真係一肚氣!! 碌醫療咭啫, 都唔使咁加藥呃多啲醫療費!!
Date﹕ 2021-2-3
Waiting Time﹕ 5-10 min
Total Fee﹕ $0
Score﹕ Won’t Go Again
Service 2 Effect 1 Clinic Facilities 2
Total Score﹕ 1.7


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